Då sattes äntligen grupperna ihop, 2 elever från NA och 2 elever från SA skulle tillsammans bygga en skönlitterär historia genom principen SHOW DON'T TELL! Alltså smyg in faktan i historien. De fick ses via ett google meet eller IRL om de så önskade och utifrån en mall som visas nedan fick de försöka bena ut vilken historia de skulle berätta. Vi utgick från dramaturgin i novellkurvan och eleverna fick svara på hur de skulle göra följande:
- Create a narrative lead:
- show the main character in action, dialogue, or reaction.
- Introduce the main character’s character.
- Introduce the setting: the time place, and relationships of the main character’s life.
- Introduce and develop the problem the main character is facing.
- Develop the plot and problem toward a climax:
- e.g. a decision, action, conversation , or confrontation, or confrontation that shows the problem at its height.
- Develop a change in the main character:
- e.g. an acknowledgement of understanding of something, a decision, a course of action, a regret.
- Develop a resolution:
- How does the main character come to terms – or not – with his or her problem?
- Throughout the whole story make sure you include facts that you have gathered in your leaflet but sneak it in to your story I. e "It was a sunny California morning and the temperature was just right for a quick dip in the lagoon blue ocean"
När de var klara lämnade de in planeringen till mig och sen var det bara att köra :-)